
Nursing task Statistics

By Brian Pilarski posted 02-17-2018 18:09

Hey everyone, first time posting, be gentle. I’ve started working with a company that has a device that lets me track my tasks throughout my 12 hour shifts. It downloads all online and we have been creating a quality improvement project for my role as a Rapid Response Nurse, efficacy of our response time and ect. I really think this task collection and informatics would be huge, showing what nurses really do through their day. I don’t mean chart, assess, I mean what we really do the time it takes and ect. Anyone interested? Can anyone point me in a direction of people that might be interested.



09-17-2018 16:39

Hello, I'm interested in the name of the device. It sounds like something that would be very useful.

08-18-2018 00:20

Very interested! Can you share more information regarding the whole process?

06-05-2018 12:08

Should include  time spent by a nurse doing direct and indirect patient care?

05-14-2018 21:11

Very interested!!! I'm doing this in my job, but manually. Very time consuming.

04-18-2018 20:39

Hi Brian,  This is very interesting, and I agree it will show the amount of work the bedside staff completing.  What success have you had in this process improvement projet?

03-06-2018 11:01

Brian, hi! I would be very interested in learning more about this. I find that it is often difficult to explain what goes into the shift in a way that validates nursing.
Elaine Jarratt MSN, RN